Answered By: Katherine Hooker
Last Updated: Oct 01, 2020     Views: 117

Printing Fees (as of Oct 2020):

  • $0.08 – B/W single-sided
  • $0.10 – B/W double-sided
  • $0.45 – Color single-sided
  • $0.84 – Color double-sided

Printing Credits and Adding Printing Funds

All students receive $30 of free printing credit per semester.

When your balance goes below $3.00 you will receive an email stating: PIRATE PRINT BALANCE REPORT:  Your printing balance has dropped to $3.00. Once your account reaches a zero balance the system will prevent you from printing.

If you think you may run out before the end of the semester please purchase a “PiratePrint” card to add print dollars to your account. Cards are available in $1, $5, $10 and $20 values from the InfoDesk located on the first floor of the Smith Library Center (SLC) or the PiratePrint Card Dispenser in the Periodicals area.

Please use exact cash, this machine does not dispense change. However if you put a $10 bill in and for some reason the $10 button is red, you may use the $1 and $5 buttons to get your $10 worth. A blinking red light either means the machine is stuck or the card supply is out of that particular slot.

Please report any problems with the dispenser to the InfoDesk.